导师谈 | 贝翰文大学商学院院长:学术和应用并重,提高DBA学生的领导力、战略思维和研究能力
发布时间:2024-07-05 17:21



清控至道教育-贝翰文大学工商管理博士 (DBA) 中文项目应运中国的新时代而生,集合了美国、中国两大经济体管理学术与管理实践,截至目前已培养150+中国企业家博士校友。项目课程设置遵循美国工商管理博士培养的最佳实践,课程师资均为精通中、英双语并融合了中西文化的老师。


首先向同学们预告一个令人欣喜的好消息,贝翰文大学教务长兼学术事务副校长Dr. Audrey Kelleher,将于7月亲临中国,与中国DBA学生深入交流。


Dr. Audrey Kelleher







● 7月19日 - 北京

● 7月20日 - 深圳

● 7月21、22日 - 上海


Dr. Audrey Kelleher曾担任贝翰文大学成人及研究生营销与发展副院长20年,之后转任成人、研究生和在线研究副院长。过去5年,在Dr. Audrey Kelleher的领导下,贝翰文大学重点发展在线教育,不但改善了在线学生的学习体验,还将博士教育引入在线课程。


此外,Dr. Audrey Kelleher还牵头与中国、印度、加拿大等国家建立了创业伙伴关系。目前,Kelleher博士还是贝翰文大学美国南部认证协会(SACSCOC)的认证联络人,并代表密西西比州参加SACSCOC同行评审咨询委员会。


贝翰文大学商学院院长、国际商科教育认证委员会(IACBE)成员Dr. Brett Andrews对中国DBA学生的奉献精神、热情和求知欲印象深刻。


Dr. Brett Andrews强调,贝翰文大学DBA项目的独特优势之一是它既强调学术严谨性,又强调实际应用,从而确保DBA学生在毕业时,不仅知识渊博,而且能够推动有意义的变革,并在职业生涯中取得长期成功。


不仅如此,Dr. Brett Andrews还发来了自己的教学感悟,今天分享出来,与大家共勉。


Dr. Brett Andrews




















I have had the privilege of interacting with our China DBA students, and I am consistently impressed by their dedication, enthusiasm, and intellectual curiosity. They bring a wealth of diverse perspectives and experiences to our academic community, enriching classroom discussions and contributing to a vibrant, collaborative learning environment. Their commitment to academic excellence and their proactive approach to research and professional development make them invaluable members of our DBA program. It is truly inspiring to see how they leverage their knowledge and skills to address complex business challenges and drive innovation.


Our DBA program is designed to equip students with the advanced knowledge and practical skills necessary to navigate the ever-evolving business landscape. One of the unique strengths of our program is its emphasis on both academic rigor and real-world application. We provide a comprehensive curriculum that covers cutting-edge business theories and practices, ensuring that our graduates are well-prepared to make significant contributions to their organizations and industries. The program also places a strong focus on professional development, offering numerous opportunities for students to enhance their leadership, strategic thinking, and research capabilities. This holistic approach ensures that our DBA graduates are not only knowledgeable but also capable of driving meaningful change and achieving long-term success in their careers.


The collaborative relationship between our institution and our partner in China, Zhidao, has been exceptionally successful and mutually beneficial. Together, we have developed joint initiatives that have greatly enhanced the educational experience for our students and fostered a deeper understanding of global business practices. This partnership has allowed us to leverage our strengths, resources, and expertise to create a dynamic and supportive learning environment. The success of our joint initiatives is a testament to the strong commitment and shared vision of both organizations. We look forward to continuing this fruitful collaboration and further expanding the opportunities available to our students.